Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Testing
Did you know that minerals play a key role in how your body functions?
Just like vitamins, minerals help your body grow, develop, and stay healthy. The body uses minerals to perform many different functions — from making enzymes and hormones, building and maintaining strong bones, regulating body fluids to transmitting nerve impulses to the heart and brain.
Minerals are like the spark plugs of the body. Mineral availability and usability in our body determines how well the body will run. The proper mineral levels for our body influences our vitality, energy, stamina and even body weight.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis testing is the quickest, non-invasive and affordable way to determine if your mineral levels are sufficient to support important areas of your body and vital organ systems.
What you will learn from your Hair Analysis Test
- Your mineral deficiencies and imbalances and what specific areas need to be supported
- How your metabolism is performing
- Your adrenal function
- Thyroid function
- Heavy Metals
- Mineral toxicities
- Mineral ratios
- Inflammation
- Nervous System Imbalances
Just ingesting a broad spectrum mineral supplement does not ensure your body is getting the accurate macro minerals or trace minerals it specifically needs. Nor does it guarantee your body is utilizing it properly. For instance, 99% of your calcium should reside in our bones and teeth. Taking ample calcium or vitamin D3 does not ensure that it is funneling to our bones and not collecting in areas where it shouldn't such as our soft tissue, joints or organs .
Hair Mineral Analysis Test can identify mineral imbalances as well as heavy metals present, both of which can inhibit the absorption of needed minerals. It also provides a window into metabolism, thyroid and adrenal function.
Hair Mineral Analysis Test can identify mineral imbalances as well as heavy metals present, both of which can inhibit the absorption of needed minerals. It also provides a window into metabolism, thyroid and adrenal function.
What is the Process
1. Order the test 2. Cut a bit of hair 3. Mail it into the lab 4. We discuss results
Running the test is easy and can be done from anywhere in the world. Learn about your unique biochemistry and how to optimize your health and longevity.
For questions call or text (303) 668-1304
or email [email protected]
or email [email protected]